Achmea Bank to return to Swiss francs
The Netherlands' Achmea Bank is looking to raise funds in the Swiss franc bond market in the near future, having mandated three banks to take it on a roadshow next week.
View ArticleArdian goes large with €1.3bn Grand Frais deal
Ardian has acquired a majority stake in French food retailer Prosol Group, the parent company of Grand Frais.
View ArticleEuro covered bond issuers enjoy strong conditions
Three European issuers took advantage of the post-Dutch election window on Tuesday to issue covered bonds in euros and dollars, with some aggressive price tightening seen in the euro market.
View ArticleInvestors put $4.75bn behind Danske's equity conversion AT1
Danske Bank was looking to raise $750m of new capital in its first equity conversion additional tier one (AT1) on Tuesday, as it dipped into a huge pool of demand in the Reg S market.
View ArticleLebanon leaves little on table for $3bn bond
Lebanon took orders of nearly $18bn for its largest ever bond on Monday and quality international participation was seen in a book that remained dominated by local accounts, according to bankers on the...
View ArticleTurkey's TSKB brings first ever sustainable tier two
Turkey’s Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi (TSKB) made a second pioneering move into the sustainable bond market with the world’s first sustainable tier two bond on Tuesday, following on from a senior...
View ArticleNew trio serve BB deals for HY’s tourist investors
Another day, another €1.5bn of high yield bond offerings was what Tuesday's deals from Aramark, Anglo American and Arrow meant for a European market awash with double-B rated paper. But too much of the...
View ArticleMapfre looks to switch old for new with T2 mandate
Mapfre will sell a new tier two bond this week, joining a growing pipeline of subordinated deals as it looks to replace an old bond approaching its first call date.
View ArticleTSKB does good as equities go bad and Agrokor turns ugly
While global equities appear to be tanking, emerging market bonds are once again on fire with inflows supporting propping up what seems a never ending bid, but as ever, idiosyncratic risks are playing...
View ArticleSSAs turn green as quarter winds up
With public sector borrowers having reached advanced stages in their annual funding programmes as the first quarter comes to a close, focus is shifting to socially responsible bonds.
View ArticleGazprom looks to add rare Russian flavour to sterling bond market
Gazprom has announced plans for a UK roadshow next week ahead of a potential return to the sterling bond market.
View ArticleAdler Pelzer adds new component to HY market with refi deal
German auto parts maker Adler Pelzer Group drove into a European high yield bond market already loaded on Wednesday with offerings from other six borrowers, but at least offered a rare chance to buy a...
View ArticleBFCM commands tight pricing for €500m tier two
Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel (BFCM) shrugged off softer market conditions for a €500m no-grow tier two on Wednesday, choosing a smaller size and pulling pricing close to fair value.
View ArticleMapfre enjoys smooth execution for well-expected tier two
Investors were ready and willing to receive a new tier two from Mapfre on Wednesday, allowing the Spanish issuer to command tight pricing for the transaction despite a slight turnaround in market...
View ArticleTSKB sustainable tier two trades up on the break
Turkey’s Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi (TSKB) printed the first ever Basel III compliant sustainable tier two on Tuesday.
View ArticleHalkbank looks to make it three for Turkey in tier two
Halkbank became the latest Turkish bank to throw its hat into the tier two ring on Wednesday, announcing plans for a three day roadshow in the US and UK.
View ArticleDiverse covered pipeline builds with Polish, Swedish and UK issuers joining
Yorkshire Building Society mandated banks for its first covered bond since November 2015 on Wednesday, joining a host of other issuers, as a diverse pipeline of deals builds up.
View ArticleDNB pulls in pricing on dollar five year covered bond
DNB Boligkreditt’s venture into the dollar market was successful on Tuesday, with the bank drawing almost $3bn of demand for the deal, allowing it to pull in pricing below guidance.
View ArticleFosun Intl $650m dual-currency refi hits syndication
Hong Kong-listed Fosun International is back in the syndicated loan market for $650m equivalent to refinance a $800m deal raised two years ago.
View ArticleCaixa Geral AT1 sparks risk-reward debate with 10.75% coupon
Caixa Geral de Depósitos attracted a solid €2bn of demand on Thursday for Portugal’s first additional tier one, as the bank made important headway on its recapitalisation plan. But market participants...
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